Spend your Summer with the Maryland Twisters!
Our clinic sessions will offer a variety of training skills to create and perform routines at the end of the week. We will focus on various aspects of stunting, jumping, dancing, and tumbling in a fun and safe environment. Our clinics provide athlete specific instruction based on the athlete’s individual skill sets.
We will also be providing various games, and fun crafting activities during the week for our attendees.
Athletes will perform a 2:00 minute routine at the end of the week for their family and friends.
Athletes should bring a lunch and water each day for all FULL DAY Clinics
Summer Swiftie Tour24 Cheer and Tumble Clinic
July 22nd-26th
9:00 am-3:00 pm
Click here for pricing and to register.
It’s Swiftie Tour time! Take the week learning fun cheer related skills while creating your very own concert performance at the end of the week!
Battle of the Worlds Cheer and Tumble Clinic
July 29th-August 1st
9:00 am-3:00 pm
Click here for pricing and to register.
Do you have a favorite Worlds team? This week we will work like world champs trying to get that globe! Putting emphasis on our technique and maxing out our skill level, like world champs do.
Color Wars Cheer and Tumble Clinic
August 5th-9th
9:00 am-3:00 pm
Click here for pricing and to register.
Battle of the colors! Compete all week against your fellow athletes. We will have a variety of games to play all week long to see who will come out on top!